Prodigy Roleplay Wiki

Tracy Lemar Davis AKA Trey Money is a character role-played by lilflockoo.


Jumped into SSK as full member on Oct 5, 2024.

After being shaved of his hair by Hades and bullied by the entire city for his grotesque appearance and general lack of rizz Trey visited the infamous Yukio Yamaguchi for a makeover and is now an avid ambassador of her products. Yukio was quoted admitting that he was the most challenging client of hers ever. The ridicule however would continue with Trey being likened to a ''dollar store CJ Stroud'' until his Afro grew back.

In December 2024, Trey began torturing individuals and harvesting their organs, a quest from his “Mommy” Chigusa in return for explicit favors in the future. Trey has currently collected four out of a promised five kidneys.

When engaging in romantic relations with women Trey likes to roleplay being a dog or puppy. He projects this kink in verbal combat by calling others “A Good Boy”.

After being absent much of his life Tyrone sought to reconcile with Trey when his 18th birthday beckoned. Trey was hesitant at first but leveraged the situation to his favor demanding that Tyrone buy him a ticket to see The Bimbos & Carmella Corset perform in Brussels so he could hear his favorite song You Like It live. Now that they both take residence in Los Santos, Trey spends much of his days courting his childhood crush much to Carmella's disdain.

In January 2025, Trey attended a twelve-step program for his addictions but even then, in a room that sympathized with a man using urine to brush his teeth, his peers were creeped by his confessions and he was politely asked to never return. This prompted his good friends at Havoc to create a drug titled ''Mommy Issues'' and prescribe it to Trey. The drug worked wonders with Trey completely detaching himself from females and beginning to seek sexual gratification from Toasters instead as no emotions were involved.




''Momma's Boy''

''Good Boy''

“Kids these days”


''Fuckin' Mamalukes''

