Prodigy Roleplay Wiki

General Description[]

Steve Gaines is a Roleplay Character on ProdigyRP 2.0 WL created by and played by ThatMaddLadd, Steve Gaines was a Mayoral Candidate as of 01/12/25 however lost the race and was beaten by Cain Anderson.

He is now a freelance criminal for hire that regularly hangs around his current best friend Evan Walker ("E. Dog" in Steve's phone.)


Steve was born in Huby, York, Yorkshire, United Kingdom in 1996 on December 2nd - Steve had a rough childhood stemming from multiple years of systemic failure from the Education System including failing to acknowledge issues with other students throughout school life as well as failing to be educated on neuro-diverse conditions such as the ones that Steve possesses.

He started adult life at the age of 18 wherein he joined the Yorkshire Police Service as a Police Constable, across Steve's career with YPS he rapidly worked through the ranking structure and even joined a specialist division known as Criminal Investigations Division (CID), as a fresh Detective Constable he began working towards the betterment of his Division and started acquiring covert assets such as Drones and specialized equipment for the Service to utilize for undercover operations.

Steve worked his way up the ranking structure to Detective Inspector before retiring from the YPS at aged 23, Steve then moved to Los Santos and joined the San Andreas Troopers Division in 2019 after spending approximately 3 years with the Troopers, Steve found himself in some hot water and gambling debts began to accumulate in rapid succession - As a result of this multiple Loan Sharks began trying to reach Steve in anyway they could this included the public execution of his now Dead wife, Sandra Gaines (Previously Sandra Mullenberg) along with his brother Alexi Gaines.

Steve felt the weight and pressure on after having the only family he had left murdered and as such turned to criminals for a way out, Steve became a corrupt member of the Trooper Division and began feeding information to the underworld for their ill gotten gains in return for assisting with the Loan Shark issue that regularly arose.
