Prodigy Roleplay Wiki

General Information[]

Riot is a senior member of the Circus, and he is known for being a great getaway driver.


Riot is a fun-loving clown, but he is prone to getting grouchy at times. He loves driving, and goofing off with the other clowns.


Before moving to Los Santos, Riot was a bounty hunter, and he wore a mask gifted to him by his late wife.

Joining the Circus[]

Riot met Achoo BooBoo Noodle the Clown and became a Circus Hangaround on February 28, 2024. After around 3 or 4 weeks, he became an official member of the Circus.

The Mask[]

Riot has a mask that was gifted to him by his late wife. However when he puts it on, it causes him to go back to his old bounty-hunting mindset and attempt to kill people.


  • Riot is the 6th current member to join the Circus, doing so after Yoyo, Achoo, Ozzy, Seaguls, and Basil
  • Riot and Mayhem do not get along, despite having similarly-themed names.
  • Riot much prefers driving cars over motorcycles.
  • Riot has stated that his favorite clown is Krissy Kallavan.

