Prodigy Roleplay Wiki
BBMC Patch 2
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Dex Xed is played by 2dex4u.

General Information[]

Dex Xed is a Patched Member of the Bondi Boys Motor Club. Rumor has it that he is a Prospect for the Bondi Boys Motor Club in San Andreas.

Hustle Steal Profit has been rebranded to Bondi Boys , after some time to feel things out etc Irwin Dundee and members, decided that they all wanted to go back home, back to Vespucci!

Important Dates and Events while in the BBMC[]

Bondi Boys & Babes Motor Club[]

Rank Note Date
Member Brought in as a Member of HSP November, 2024
Patched Member Rebranded to BBMC, realigned to Patched Member December 5th, 2024

Background Information[]


Bondi Boys & Babes Motor Club

The Holy Trinity of Prime Ministers
Prime Minister: Irwin Dundee Vice Prime Minister: Tommy Puff Deputy Prime Minister: Jacob Cass

Hangarounds: Aura Leonis Beau Babcock Maverick Shields Ember Blaze Sai "Legalos" Creed Jimmy "Jimbo" Bruner Richie Lowe
